Thursday, 29 May 2014

First scan

Well today was a very exciting and emotional day. Today is the day that our foundation mare got scanned to see if she is infoal.

With great pleasure we were informed that she is infoal. We have made the decision to leave her at the stud a little longer so we can scan her again for a heartbeat before travelling her home.

Obviously it is a very exciting time for us right now as it will be our first foal. As much as we are excited we are fully aware that things can happen along the way. So fingers crossed that we hear a little healthy and strong heartbeat soon.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

New signage

We are very lucky people. It may only be small but to us but it means more. A very generous and lovely kind friends of ours has done us a great gift. Presenting us with new signage for our trailer. They even put it on there for us.

Not only have they gone out of their way to make this for us but they have also put it on our trailer.

I could not be happier with it right now. Yet again one lucky and extremely happy girl!

A big thank you to Maureen and Eric x

It begins

So we sent our darling girl, our foundation mare to stud on the 28th of April. Although it has been a life long dream and there has been lots of planning and talking. It was 'D Day' and left me with mixed emotions as the dream was starting to actually become reality.

I was and am happy to leave her at the stud as it is fantastic stud and the stud owner is wonderful and such a lovely person. I trust her judgment and I know she will take the best care of my little girl.

It still pulled my heart strings leaving her there. I will admit I do not leave the ponies very often, so to take my girl somewhere and leave her (even if it is for such a wonderful journey), it left me slightly emotional. But i know for my dream to become true she had to go there as it would not happen magically.

She got covered on the 4th and 7th of May inhand and is left running with the lovely gentleman with plenty of grass. So it is more or less a romantic holiday for her. I now just have to wait and see if she has taken or whether she comes into season. We shall have to wait and see. Fingers and toes crossed.